Our mission

The mission of "Applications In Life" Foundation is to support and develop accessible and understandable financial education. We train, teach and uphold the progress of people who are willing to learn how the financial side of life works and to acquire new knowledge, experience and personal improvement. Our goal is to increase the well-being of civil society by improving its financial culture and forward-thinking mentality.

Supporting and developing an accessible and understandable financial education, is a core value of our team. Our work is focused on educational activities and practices.

We share

valuable financial knowledge and introduce to society the concepts of earning, spending, saving, and investing.

We empower

thirsty for knowledge minds with financial and economic knowledge to make informed decisions about their well-being.

We explore

the world of personal finances and help to understand how the financial side of life works and how to make smart financial decisions.

We always strive to accomplish maximum smart results. The people in our team have more than ten years of experience in analysing and implementing workable trading strategies. Today, we are able to assist people in achieving their desired level of success from a financial point of view because of our years of research in the field and following effective strategies that work in the long run.
We love to help and motivate people by sharing our extensive knowledge. That is the main reason we’ve created "Applications In Life" Foundation - because we love to see how motivated people succeed.
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Financial education

Our mission is to support and develop accessible and understandable financial education. We support the progress of people who are willing to understand how the financial side of life works and to acquire new knowledge, experience and personal improvement. Our goal is to increase the well-being of civil society by improving its financial culture and forward-thinking mentality. We publish as many useful resources as we can even from external sources so that the knowledge you receive from our platform to be more comprehensive and sustainable over time.

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Edu Campaign Тhirty-Three: The 5 most powerful candlestick patterns

By Financial Lessons

Candlestick charts are a technical tool that packs data for multiple time frames into single price bands. This makes them more useful than traditional high-opening, low-closing bars or simple lines that connect closing price points. Candlesticks build models that predict the direction of the price once they are completed. Proper color coding adds depth to this colorful technical tool that dates back to Japanese rice merchants of the 18th century.

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